Thursday, August 14, 2014

Anegada: BVI Have you seen it?.... 43' high at the most. Full of Beauty and History. Come see!

Unlike her sister Islands created by ancient volcanic action, this island is unique in the BVI. It's mostly flat....and set off from the other islands. A short sail will get you there when staging from Virgin Gorda or other Easterly islands in the BVI. And the fringing reefs make this an amazing snorkeling and Scuba diving site.
This coral island of Anegada is well known for miles of white sand beaches, the large salt ponds which cover much of the west end of the island, and unique fauna. In the 1830s, thousands of Caribbean Flamingos lived in these ponds, but they were hunted for food and feathers throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries and disappeared by 1950. They are now being re-established into the ponds. The birds are another tourist draw, but officials are trying to keep the number of visitors to the flamingo areas at a level that allows the birds to flourish. You can quietly walk back into the Salt Ponds to see and photograph them. 
Other rare or endangered animals include the Anegada rock iguana (Cyclura pinguis) and several species of turtles. Conch, Caribbean lobster (Metanephrops binghami), and many fishes can be found near Anegada, particularly in the deep waters off the North Drop to the north of the island.The reef adjacent to the Settlement used to be one of the more fertile conch grounds in the Caribbean, but overfishing has wiped out the conch population at the site. Visitors to the Settlement are greeted by the sight of mountains of empty conch shells on the shore when they arrive.There are also populations of feral cattle, donkeys, goats, and sheep which live in all areas of the island.

Memories: One evening, I was on board preparing dinner for our guests who were ashore with the Skipper. To the West, there was a black-bottomed storm cloud, no threat, as the Winds always blow from East to West. There is a ring of feathery casuarina trees (aka Australian Pines), just on shore near the Anegada Reef Hotel, when suddenly, from behind them, a flock of around 30 rose colored flamingos took to the air and circled around the boat. The light from the setting sun fired up their colors to a great degree. And if that wasn't enough: As the sun appeared from behind and beneath that cloud, sinking into the sea, the legendary Green Flash appeared.
The best part: The Skipper and the guests saw all this too! They all came back, very excited.
Not my picture below, but I've seen so many just like this in these waters. 
You will too!!

Can it get any better than this?
Yes, it CAN!
When taking a dinner ashore as part of your yacht charter plan, here is the place to do it! 
Anegada's most famous delight!!

Roasted to perfection over a manjack charcoal fire and bathed in an Island-style garlic butter, you will swear off Maine lobster forever!

If you go nowhere else in this world, come to this magical island, The Drowned Island aka Anegada. You will return again and again. I did and you will too.

We can get you there. Give us a call.

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